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最新最热下载排行day one 2 iPad版v2023.1无忧保姆ipad版v6.3好好住iPad版v6.11.0货拉拉iPad版v6.7.16货拉拉司机版iPad版v6.3.13美团众包iPad版v9.4.2亚马逊购物ipad版v21.1.0分期乐iPad版v7.6.1团800 iPad版V6.1.2美团网iPad版v12.6.204LookBook iPad版V4.1聚美优品iPad版V2.001易迅网iPad版V1.0.4唯品会iPad版v6.76京东iPad版V6.6.3天猫iPad客户端v7.0.0

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day one 2 iPad版

day one 2 iPad版




等级:类型:iPad生活软件更新:2023/01/12 19:30大小:10.9M版本:v2023.1语言:简体官网:http://www.pc6.com作者:Bloom Built Inc



  day one 2 iPad版是一款笔记加日记形式的应用,day one 2 iPad版在2016.5.1前限时免费,day one 2 iPad版的内容可插入照片,有着地图视图等功能,你还等什么,快来下载吧!

  捕捉您的生活。从一生一次的事件到日常时刻,Day One 优雅的界面使得用日记记录生活成为一种简单的乐趣。

  我们非常高兴地向您介绍新一代的 Day One 日记 app。第 2 版是一款彻底不同的新 app,提供出色的书写和生活捕捉体验。


  - 每篇日记可插入多张照片(最多10 张内联照片)

  - 多个日记本(最多 10 个日记本,分别有不同的颜色和名称)

  - Day One Sync 2.0(见 dayoneapp.com/sync-faq,了解更多详细信息。)

  - 地图视图

  - 自定义提醒

  - 日记管理(选择、移动、贴标签、同时删除多篇日记)

  - 时间线筛选(星标、标签、位置、年、活动、音乐)

  - 时区支持

  - 3D Touch

  - 本地、可导出的备份


  - 用 Touch ID 进行密码锁定

  - 自动数据元(地点、天气、移动活动、步数、音乐)

  - Apple Watch App

  - 搜索

  - 标签和星标

  - 导出到带智能筛选的 PDF

  - 今日扩展

  - 分享扩展

  - 导出到 PDF 和纯文本


  安装iOS应用Apple Store后(注意并不是App Store应用商店),即可在限定时间内(2016年5月1日之前)通过应用免费兑换下载Day One 2笔记应用。


? Improved reliability when creating books

? Fixed an issue where the Day One lock screen sometimes appeared when using split screen on iPad
? Apple Weather is now the default weather service for devices that have been updated to iOS 16

? Updated translations
? The correct device name is now attached in the entry metadata, rather than the generic "iPhone" or "iPad" device name
? Improved performance of hashtag detection in entries
? Improved sync performance

? Fixed a crash that could happen when loading entries containing certain content
? Fixed a crash that could happen when trying to import malformed JSON
? Fixed a bug that could prevent you from being able to copy and paste text within Day One
? Fixed a bug that could prevent the template media options from working
? Fixed a bug when sharing Streaks using the share sheet
? Fixed a crash that could happen when using a custom font
? Added a Start New Paragraph option to the Append to Entry Shortcuts action on older versions of iOS
? You can now append list items to lists using the Append to Entry Shortcuts action

? Fixed a but that could prevent audio recordings from working correctly
? Fixed several localization issues in the Book Printing screens
? Fixed the "View Upgrade Options" button not working when signing out of a Day One account
? Day One iOS has dropped support for iOS 14 and new updates will be available for iOS 15 and above
? Improved reliability of importing from Day One Classic
? Improved reliability when downloading media
? Improved VoiceOver support on the entry timeline

? Fixed a bug where the entry tutorial wouldn't dismiss when using an external keyboard
? Filtering the entry timeline by tags: You can choose whether to filter the timeline with entries that contain either any or all of the selected tags

? Audio recordings can now resume after an interruption that is 15 seconds or less
? Improved error messages if syncing times out

? Fixed an issue with a template not being created in the selected journal
? Fixed an issue that prevented swiping between entries after dismissing the keyboard
? Fixed a bug where choosing to start a transcribed audio did not start transcribing audio
? Fixed a crash when opening entry metadata on iOS 14
? Start Sheet: Quick options when creating an entry
? The Daily Prompt is now shown in the side menu
? Added a button to the entry bottom toolbar to quickly open the media picker

? Fixed a bug where images copied from Safari couldn't be pasted into an entry
? Fixed a crash that could happen when emailing diagnostics to Day One Support
? iOS 16: You can now add a Day One Streaks widget to your Lock Screen
? iOS 16: Day One now comes with default Siri shortcuts. Just say "Hey Siri, write in Day One" or "Answer the daily prompt in Day One"

? Removed a disruptive alert in the Instagram settings screen when not signed in to Day One
? Side Menu: If there has only one journal, All Entries will not be shown
? Side Menu: The “New Journal” button is now displayed at the bottom of the journals section

? Fixed an issue that prevented the filter tabs in the Media Timeline from working
? Book Printing: Fixed a crash when clicking 'Checkout' on the book cart view
? Fixed an issue where the timeline keyboard shortcuts didn't work
? Fixed an issue with an entry not being saved when created from the Photo Library without using the media’s location and date
? Fixed an issue where you couldn’t sign in from the Premium upgrade screen
? Fixed the Activity filter count in the search screen
? Fixed an issue that caused Day One to request Photo Library permissions when opening the metadata screen for an entry
? iOS 16: You can now add a Day One Streaks widget to your Lock Screen
? iOS 16: Day One now comes with default Siri shortcuts. Just say "Hey Siri, write in Day One" or "Answer the daily prompt in Day One"

? Removed a disruptive alert in the Instagram settings screen when not signed in to Day One
? Side Menu: If there has only one journal, All Entries will not be shown
? Side Menu: The “New Journal” button is now displayed at the bottom of the journals section

? Fixed an issue that prevented the filter tabs in the Media Timeline from working
? Book Printing: Fixed a crash when clicking 'Checkout' on the book cart view
? Fixed an issue where the timeline keyboard shortcuts didn't work
? Fixed an issue with an entry not being saved when created from the Photo Library without using the media’s location and date
? Fixed an issue where you couldn’t sign in from the Premium upgrade screen
? Fixed the Activity filter count in the search screen
? Fixed an issue that caused Day One to request Photo Library permissions when opening the metadata screen for an entry
? Added the ability to paste links over text in the editor on Mac and iOS

? Settings: "Text Messaging" has been renamed to "SMS to Journal"

? Fixed an bug where the calendar might not update when adding or deleting an entry
? Fixed a bug where On This Day might not update when adding an entry
? Fixed a freeze that could happen in On This Day
? Fixed an a bug where the Touch/Face ID prompt didn’t appear when removing the Day One passcode
? Fixed a crash in the Day One Apple Watch app when a transcription timed out
? Fixed a bug where PDF exports included trashed entries
? An alert is now presented when trying to sign into a deleted account

? Fixed a bug where journals might not sync after adding an encryption key
? Fixed a crash when toggling an entry’s date to All-day
? Fixed a crash that could happen when a push notification is received
? Improved reliability when importing media
? Today View: Changed the name of the “Photos" section to "Apple Photo Library" to clarify that it is not showing photos from your journal

? Fixed a bug that affected the way Mindful Minutes sessions were tracked in Apple Health
? Fixed a bug that caused the Touch ID prompt to appear twice when opening Day One
? Improves support for “Ask to Buy” when purchasing Day One Premium
? The media picker is now grouped only by day instead of also by location

? Fixed a crash when opening the app
? Fixed a crash that could happen when setting an entry's date to "All Day"
? Fixed a crash when attempting to scan a PDF with an unsupported device
? Fixed an issue that caused the “Streaks” share card to always show zero days
v7.10? Performance improvements when creating and editing entries
v7.9? Fixed an issue where the Touch/Face ID prompt might not appear automatically when re-opening Day One
? Fixed an issue where the editor didn't reach the bottom of the screen
? Fixed an issue where third-party fonts weren't accessible
? Fixed an issue where the share sheet could create an empty entry
? Version History: You can now tap on the three-dot button at the top of the entry > Version History > Tap on an entry revision to preview and restore it (iOS 15 only)
? Visual Sync Status: View your sync status using the cloud icon at the top of the timeline

Updated and Improved
? Updated translations
? Weather is now fetched for all-day entries

? Fixed a crash that could occur while merging entries
? Fixed an issue that could cause “Network Timed Out" errors to appear after resuming the app
? Fixed an issue where weather data could possibly be deleted during a JSON import
? Fixed a bug where the final location of the day did not show up in the Day Summary entry
? Fixed several other crashes
v7.7? Crash fixes and performance improvements
v7.6.1? Improved performance, stability, and speed in the editor, On This Day, and other parts of the app
? Fixed a bug that prevented the photo/location prompt from appearing when adding media to an entry
v7.5Introducing the Trash Can!
? When an entry is deleted, it is now placed in a trash can. From there, it can either be restored or permanently deleted.

? Improved typing performance while you type in the editor
? Improved app performance if you have large journals
? Fixed several crashes
v7.4? Improved RTL language support
? Fixed several crashes
? General performance improvements
v7.3.1? Several crash fixes and performance improvements
v7.3? Several crash fixes and performance improvements
v7.2.2? Updated translations
? General performance improvements and bug fixes



day one 2类型:系统工具


day one 2 app类型:iPhone生活软件


day one 2 iPad版类型:iPad生活软件







day one 2 iPad版 V2.0.3(Store)